2016 Annual Report


About CEPF

The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) empowers people in developing and transitional countries to protect the world’s biodiversity hotspots—some of the most biologically rich yet threatened ecosystems that are vital to humanity.

By providing grants to civil society—nongovernmental, private sector and academic organizations—CEPF implements conservation strategies that are developed with local stakeholders. These investments are especially important because the hotspots are home to millions of people who are impoverished and highly dependent on nature for survival.

The fund is a joint program of l’Agence Française de Développement, Conservation International, the European Union, the Global Environment Facility, the Government of Japan, the MacArthur Foundation and the World Bank.

Hotspot Strategies Implemented
Grantees Supported
Grants Committed
Amount Leveraged by Those Grants
Protected Areas Created (hectares)
For more information, please visit www.cepf.net.

Our Grants

  • Are guided by ecosystem profiles—analyses of the biodiversity and socio-economic conditions in hotspots—that are produced through consultation with local stakeholders and result in regional conservation strategies.
  • Go directly to civil society groups in the biodiversity hotspots to build this vital constituency for conservation alongside governmental partners.
  • Are awarded on a competitive basis.
  • Contribute to governments’ efforts to meet targets related to the U.N.’s Convention on Biological Diversity (the Aichi Targets), Framework Convention on Climate Change, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Create working alliances among diverse groups, combining unique capacities and eliminating duplication of efforts.
  • Achieve results through an ever-expanding network of partners working together toward shared goals.
See new project grants

CEPF has not only contributed to the conservation of biodiversity, but it has also contributed to the institutional development of my organization. We are developing local conservation strategies that will have global impacts.

Sesar Rodriguez Executive director, El Consorcio Ambiental Dominicano (CAD), Dominican Republic

For me, the most important result from [my CEPF-funded project] was seeing tribes come together, reconcile with each other and work together towards conserving one of the very last wildernesses in the country.

David Boseto Co-founder, Ecological Solutions, Solomon Islands

Funding from CEPF enabled us to engage with communities … We realized they already had forest conservation in their myths and stories and we could work together to get the very people in these communities to become agents of their own change by harnessing their skills in music, dance and folklore.

Selete Nyomi Executive director, AGORO Centre for Intercultural Learning and Talent Development, Ghana

Photo Credits

Leader of the Green Hill community, Tana Island, Vanuatu. © Olivier Langrand
Tuokexun County, China. © Heng Wang
© Conservation International/photo by Michele Zador