
Biodiversity, the amazing variety of life on the planet, is fundamental to thriving ecosystems and communities. Plants, animals, fungi and even micro-organisms have important roles to play in maintaining a planet that supports 7.7 billion people. CEPF’s primary focus is on conserving biodiversity.

CEPF’s goal: Improve the status of globally endangered species and the critical ecosystems that support those species.

Protected Areas

Created or expanded
14.8 million hectares
2001 Through 30 June 2018

Sustainable Financing Mechanisms Benefiting from CEPF Support

Key Biodiversity Areas with Strengthened Management

46.5 million hectares
2001 through 30 June 2018

Sustainable Financing Mechanisms Benefiting from CEPF Support

Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) are, simply put, the most important places for life on Earth. Defined as sites that contribute significantly to the global persistence of biodiversity, these terrestrial, freshwater and marine sites are critical to the survival of species and biological diversity, and are the basic building blocks of CEPF’s conservation strategies. For more information on KBAs, visit

Production Landscapes with Strengthened Biodiversity Management

Total: 8.1 million hectares
2001 Through 30 June 2018

Sustainable Financing Mechanisms Benefiting from CEPF Support

Production landscapes, areas where agriculture, forestry or natural product exploitation occur, can be very important for biodiversity. CEPF supports grantees to integrate management of biodiversity into these landscapes.

Civil Society Capacity

CEPF was established to conserve biodiversity by delivering financial resources and technical assistance to civil society—nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), communities, indigenous peoples organizations, academic institutions and private companies—to empower local people to take the lead.

CEPF’s goal: Strengthen the capacity of civil society to be effective as environmental stewards and leaders in the long-term conservation of biodiversity.

Number of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) with Increased Capacities per Hotspot*

Completed Civil Society Tracking Tool scorecards: 270
Scorecards with increased scores: 187
2010 through 30 June 2018

* Note: CEPF gathers these data via the Civil Society Tracking Tool, which CEPF began using in 2010. The chart includes data for the 270 grantees who had completed assessments by the end of fiscal year 2018.

Number of Networks and Partnerships CEPF Grantees Have Created or Supported

Total = 278
2001 through 30 June 2018

Note: CEPF defines “networks/partnerships” as a connection (alliance, network, partnership) among civil society groups and possibly other sectors. The relationship can be either formal or informal, but it must have a lasting benefit beyond the immediate project. Examples include an alliance of fishermen to promote sustainable fisheries practices; a network of environmental journalists; a partnership between an NGO and a private sector partner to improve biodiversity management on private lands; and a working group focusing on reptile conservation.

Human Well-Being

Through its support to organizations and communities in developing and transitional countries in the biodiversity hotspots, CEPF seeks to help the people of the biodiversity hotspots find ways to support themselves now and in the future by conserving the biodiversity and ecosystems they rely on for food, water, soil fertility, medicines, commercial products and cultural integrity.

CEPF’s goal: Improve the well-being of people living in and dependent on critical ecosystems within the world’s biodiversity hotspots.

Communities Directly Benefiting, by Region

Total: 3,067
2001 through 30 June 2018


Types of Noncash
Benefits Received

Data for 553 communities in seven hotspots
Fiscal years 2017–2018


Communities have received noncash livelihood benefits such as improved access to clean water, strengthened land tenure and increased representation in decision-making processes. Since data collection to calculate the number of people in these communities commenced in 2017, more than 99,582 people have been recorded as receiving noncash benefits. Additionally, since 2017, 55,488 people have been recorded as receiving cash benefits, such as income generated from alternative livelihood projects.

Since CEPF began grant making in 2001, more than 149,000 people have received training in natural resource management, alternative livelihoods such as beekeeping, financial management and community leadership, as well as a range of other topics.

Enabling Conditions

Certain conditions are necessary for establishing and maintaining biodiversity conservation. Among the most important are policies that promote conservation action, availability of financial resources and the development of biodiversity-friendly practices in the private sector.

CEPF’s goal: Establish the conditions needed for the conservation of biodiversity.

Percent of Policies, Laws or Regulations That Address Specific Themes

Total: 249 policies laws or regulations enacted or amended
2001 through 30 June 2018

Number of Sustainable Finance Mechanisms Supported by CEPF, by Region

Total: 27
2001 through 30 June 2018

Photo Credit

Red Howler Monkey © O. Langrand